oft, romantic, and utterly captivating, the Elegant Aqua Pink Rose Bouquet is a stunning display of delicate beauty. This exquisite bouquet features 6 stems of aqua-pink roses, their gentle hues symbolizing grace and charm. Wrapped in a lavender-bordered sheet to enhance the subtle tones of the blooms, and hand-tied with a playful pink polka dot ribbon, this arrangement is a true visual delight. Presented in a purple wrap, it is the perfect gift for expressing love, admiration, or simply bringing joy to someone special. Whether for an anniversary, birthday, or any occasion, this bouquet captures elegance, warmth, and sweetness."
No. of Stems: 6
Flower Type: Roses
Flower Color: Aqua Pink
Wrapping: Lavender border sheet with purple wrap
Ribbon: Hand-tied with a pink polka dot ribbon
This bouquet is a timeless expression of elegance, perfect for any special occasion.